e-Safety at Hill Avenue
Within our bespoke PSHE curriculum, and in partnership with our personalised computing curriculum, we explicitly educate children about the safe use of online devices, technology and social media use outside of school. Children will develop an excellent understanding of E-Safety, what their digital footprint can look like and how to resolve issues of e-bullying and unkind behaviour carried out online (Digital Resilience). They will be taught how to use technology safely and gain an understanding of how information can be presented and perceived online (Media Literacy) and about the benefits that correct use of these devices can bring to their education.
As the world is ever-changing and our children become the experts in the use of technology we ensure children's safety through regular updates for families and also through the school's 'Social Media Committee' empowering children to safeguard themselves and each other!
Please see our very first child led Social Media Poster below from our very own Hill Avenue, Social Media Committee. Children keeping children safe, at school and at home.

What Parents and Carers Need to Know About...
Download information and well-researched one-page documents for each of these issues:
Fnaf (Five nights and Freddy's)
Courtesy of the National College
There are endless amounts of e-Safety resources online which you can spend many hours going through. We recommend these websites that have helped support us to provide the best resources and information to help protect our pupils and parents.
As parents and carers, the responsibility for online safety at home lies with you. Here are some links that you may find useful to support you with this. If you need specific advice then please get in touch with us and we will do what we can to help.​​​
Key online safety organisations
Childnet: www.childnet.com
UK Safer Internet Centre: www.saferinternet.org.uk
CEOP’s Thinkuknow: www.thinkuknow.co.uk
Internet matters: www.internetmatters.org
NSPCC: www.nspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/keeping-children-safe
Childline: https://www.childline.org.uk/
South West Grid For Learning: https://swgfl.org.uk/
National Online Safety: https://nationalonlinesafety.com/guides
Online bullying
Bullying UK – support for family lives: www.bullying.co.uk
Stand up to bullying: www.standuptobullying.co.uk
Kidscape: www.kidscape.org.uk
Parental support
Help your child stay safe on social networks, apps and games:
Digital parenting from Vodafone: www.vodafone.com/content/digital-parenting.html
BBC webwise: www.bbc.co.uk/webwise/0/
Downloadable age specific online safety guidelines: www.internetmatters.org/advice/
CEOP - using parental controls: www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents/articles/Parental-controls/